By this point, you likely have a good understanding of what a compounding pharmacy is and why it’s the best option for you. What you may not know, however, is how to choose the right compounding pharmacy. So, here are a few things to look out for when choosing the compounding pharmacy that will meet your needs:
Is your compounding pharmacy accredited?
Wouldn’t you want to know that your compounding pharmacy has gone the extra mile to prove they follow the most stringent standards and maintain the highest quality?
Check to see if your compounding pharmacy is either PCAB accredited (Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board) or PCCA accredited (Professional Compounding Centers of America). This means your pharmacy gets their compounds from a trusted source where protocols are established and followed each time your prescription is prepared – for the best possible clinical outcomes. In addition, most accreditation will set quality standards, ensure compliance with quality assurance, control and improvement with on-site assessment of facilities and equipment, staff competency, documentation, testing programs and processes to ensure the highest possible standards.
Can your pharmacy attest to the quality and source of their chemicals?
Your compounding pharmacy should work with only the best possible suppliers to ensure the quality and integrity of the chemicals they work with. If a compounding pharmacy is PCCA registered, the ingredients they source are of the highest quality. PCCA is FDA-registered and inspected chemical packager and labeler, which means that everything from the chemicals used to the base and formula of each compounded preparation can be confidently used to compound prescriptions – and you can be assured of compliance to stringent quality regulations.
Are your pharmacists fully trained and qualified compound pharmacists?
All licensed pharmacies must provide some level of compounding, but some compounded prescriptions must be referred to specialty compounding pharmacies. Thus, compounding pharmacists are specially trained and there can be many types of specializations within the field. As medications become more complicated, the level of training required increases. Many compounding pharmacies are accredited by either the PCAB or PCAA. This means their pharmacists benefit from specific, advanced training and can counsel patients on the proper use of the compound medicine received.
Does the pharmacy provide a sterile professional environment?
The compounding pharmacy should meet the most stringent sterile compound preparation conditions. This means they must provide a controlled environment (temperature, humidity and pressure) with the lowest possible level of pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, vapors or particles. This is called a cleanroom, where the environment is strictly controlled to ensure there is no contamination when your compounding medicine is prepared. The key component of the cleanroom is a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter which filters air and traps particles that are 0.3 micron and larger in size. One way to be sure whether your compounding pharmacy offers the highest possible standards of quality is to ask whether their cleanroom is compliant with the USP 797 or USP 800 chapters, and if it has been independently tested. In addition, pharmacists who work in a cleanroom should have extensive training in contamination control.
Mesa’s Compounding Pharmacy is a PCCA certified, friendly neighbourhood pharmacy committed to providing prescription compound solutions not offered by commercial medicine, including veterinary compound medicines. We have a fully certified PCAA-class 100, 000 cleanroom (allowing no more than 100 particles per cubic foot of air) which exceeds standards set forth by USP guidelines specific to high-risk compounded sterile products.
All our pharmacists have received comprehensive training by the PCCA to develop their specialized skill sets. A continuous investment in education ensures are staff are always abreast of the latest and most innovative administration of compound medicine.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you by providing the care and support you deserve.